And Just To Think: I Had An Unfair Advantage!

FROM: Hanan, Natural Beauty Consultant

My name is Hanan, and I have a rather embarrassing confession to make before I share these tips with you today:

If I would have listened to my mother, I would have saved a lot of time.

You see, my mother was descended from Persian royalty. She is no longer with us today, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t miss her. Yet, as a child, as most children do, I thought I knew better.

My mother felt she had to maintain her beauty for political reasons, as well as her own passion for looking her best for my father. She would always share these “crazy” home-based “concoctions” with me (you see, I was her “little Princess.”) I wasn’t interested. After all, I was NEVER going to grow old!

Maybe you can relate to feeling that as a kid as well...
Even into my early 20s, I ignored the advice of my mother out of sheer rebellion. I was caught up in the Lebanon beauty and fashion craze... and all the rave back then was expensive beauty creams from America and Europe.

I thought my mother was just “old-fashioned”. I believed that I was younger, smarter, and more hip to the times.

It took me another fifteen years to realize how wrong I was, and how wise my mother’s beauty solutions really were. She never looked a day over 35, even though she was fifteen years older than that when she passed away too soon in a political attack.